The scan options are organized as an expandable menu, very similar to those used
for exploration in Windows. Click the box with "+" to open an option or the box with
"-" to close an option.
The scan options are grouped into 3 categories:
● Scan Level. Specify the type of malware you want Acronis AntiVirus 2010 to
scan for by selecting the appropriate options from the Scan Level category.
Scans for known viruses.Scan for viruses
Acronis AntiVirus 2010 detects incomplete virus
bodies, too, thus removing any possible threat that
could affect your system's security.
Scans for adware threats. Detected files will be
treated as infected. The software that includes
Scan for adware
adwarecomponents might stop workingif this option
is enabled.
Scans for known spyware threats. Detected files will
be treated as infected.
Scan for spyware
Scan for legitimate applications that can be used as
a spying tool, to hide malicious applications or for
other malicious intent.
Scan for application
Scans for applications dialing high-cost numbers.
Detected files will be treated as infected. The
Scan for dialers
software that includes dialer components might stop
working if this option is enabled.
Scans for hidden objects (files and processes),
generally known as rootkits.
Scan for rootkits
● Virus scanning options. Specify the type of objects to be scanned (file types,
archives and so on) by selecting the appropriate options from the Virus scanning
options category.
All filesare scanned, regardless of their type.Scan all filesScan files
Only the program files will be scanned. This
means only the files with the following
Scan program
files only
extensions: exe; bat; com; dll; ocx; scr;
bin; dat; 386; vxd; sys; wdm; cla; class;
ovl; ole; exe; hlp; doc; dot; xls; ppt;