6.5. Scan Activity Bar
The Scan activity bar is a graphic visualization of the scanning activity on your
system. This small window is by default available only in Expert Mode.
Scan Activity Bar
The gray bars (the File Zone)show the number of scanned
files per second, on a scale from 0 to 50.
The Scan activity bar will notify you when real-time
protection is disabled by displaying a red cross over the
File Zone.
6.5.1. Scan Files and Folders
You can use the Scan activity bar to quickly scan files and folders. Drag the file or
folder you want to be scanned and drop it over the Scan Activity Bar as shown
Drag File
Drop File
The Antivirus Scan wizard will appear and guide you through the scanning process.
For detailed information about this wizard, please refer to “Antivirus Scan Wizard”
(p. 40).
Scanning options. The scanningoptions are pre-configuredfor the best detection
results. If infected files are detected, Acronis AntiVirus 2010 will try to disinfect them
(remove the malware code). If disinfection fails, the Antivirus Scan wizard will allow
you to specify other actions to be taken on infected files. The scanning options are
standard and you cannot change them.
6.5.2. Disable/Restore Scan Activity Bar
When you no longer want to see the graphic visualization, just right-click it and
select Hide. To restore the Scan activity bar, follow these steps: