The Quarantine section displays all the files currently isolated in the Quarantine
folder. For each quarantined file, you can see its name, the name of the detected
virus, the path to its original location and the submission date.
When a virus is in quarantine it cannot do any harm because it cannot be executed
or read.
17.4.1. Managing Quarantined Files
You can send any selected file from the quarantine to the Acronis Lab by clicking
Send. By default,AcronisAntiVirus 2010 willautomatically submit quarantined files
every 60 minutes.
To delete a selected file from quarantine, click the Delete button. If you want to
restore a selected file to its original location, click Restore.
Contextual Menu. A contextual menu is available, allowing you to manage
quarantined files easily. The same options as those mentioned previously are
available. You can also select Refresh to refresh the Quarantine section.