● other security solutions running on your computer at the same time with Acronis
AntiVirus 2010.
● viruses on your system affect the normal operation of Acronis AntiVirus 2010.
To troubleshoot this error, try these solutions:
1. Wait a few moments and see if anything changes. The error may be temporary.
2. Restart the computer and wait a few moments until Acronis AntiVirus 2010 is
loaded. Open Acronis AntiVirus 2010 to see if the error persists. Restarting the
computer usually solves the problem.
3. Check if you have any other security solution installed as they may disrupt the
normal operation of Acronis AntiVirus 2010. If this is the case, we recommend
you to remove all of the other security solutions and then reinstall Acronis
AntiVirus 2010.
4. If the error persists, there may be a more serious problem (for example, you may
be infected with a virus that interferes with Acronis AntiVirus 2010). Please contact
Acronis Inc. for support as described in section “Support” (p. 197).
29.3. Acronis AntiVirus 2010 Removal Failed
This article helps you troubleshoot errors that may occur when removing Acronis
AntiVirus 2010. There are two possible situations:
● During removal, an error screen appears. The screen provides a button to run an
uninstall tool that will clean up the system.
● The removal hangs out and, possibly, your system freezes. Click Cancel to abort
the removal. If this does not work, restart the system.
If removal fails, some Acronis AntiVirus 2010 registry keys and files may remain in
your system. Such remainders may prevent a new installation of Acronis AntiVirus
2010. They may also affect system performance and stability.In order to completely
remove Acronis AntiVirus 2010 from your system, you must run the uninstall tool.
If removal fails with an error screen, click the button to run the uninstall tool to clean
up the system. Otherwise, proceed as follows:
1. Contact the Acronis Inc. technical support as described in “Support” (p. 197) and
ask for the uninstall tool.
2. Run the uninstall tool using administrator privileges. The uninstall tool will remove
all thefiles and registry keys that were not removed during the automatic removal
3. Restart your computer.
If this information was not helpful, you can contact Acronis for support as described
in section “Support” (p. 197).