7. Fixing Issues
Acronis AntiVirus 2010 uses an issue tracking system to detect and inform you about
the issues that may affect the security of your computer and data. By default, it will
monitor only a series of issues that are considered to be very important. However,
you can configure it as needed, choosing which specific issues you want to be
notified about.
This is how pending issues are notified:
● A special symbol is displayed over the Acronis icon in the system tray to indicate
pending issues.
Red triangle with an exclamation mark: Critical issues affect the security
of your system. They require your immediate attention and must be fixed as soon
as possible.
Also, if you move the mouse cursor over the icon, a pop-up will confirm the
existence of pending issues.
● When you open Acronis AntiVirus 2010, the Security Status area will indicate the
number of issues affecting your system.
▶ In Intermediate Mode, the security status is shown on the Dashboard tab.
▶ In Expert Mode, go to General>Dashboard to check the security status.
7.1. Fix All Issues Wizard
The easiest way to fix the existing issuesis to follow the step-by-step Fix All Issues
wizard. The wizard helps you easily remove any threats to your computer and data
security. To open the wizard, do any of the following:
Right-click the Acronis icon in the system tray and select Fix All Issues.
● Open Acronis AntiVirus 2010. Depending on the user interface mode, proceed as
▶ In Novice Mode, click Fix All Issues.
▶ In Intermediate Mode, go to the Dashboard tab and click Fix All Issues.
▶ In Expert Mode, go to General>Dashboard and click Fix All Issues.
Fixing Issues