Device Detection Alert
To scan the storage device, just click Yes. The
Antivirus Scan wizard will appear and guide you
through the scanning process. For detailed
information about this wizard, please refer to
“Antivirus Scan Wizard” (p. 40).
If you do not want to scan the device, you must click
No. In this case, you may find one of these options
● Don't ask me again about this type of device
- Acronis AntiVirus 2010 will no longer offer to
scan storage devices of this type when they are
connected to your computer.
● Disable automatic device detection - You will
no longer be prompted to scan new storage
devices when they are connected to the computer.
If you accidentally disabled automatic device detection and you want to enable it,
or if you want to configure its settings, follow these steps:
1. Open Acronis AntiVirus 2010 and switch the user interface to Expert Mode.
2. Go to Antivirus>Virus Scan.
3. In the list of scan tasks, locate the Device Detection Scan task.
4. Right-click the task and select Open. A new window will appear.
5. On the Overview tab, configure the scanning options as needed. For more
information, please refer to “Configuring Scan Settings” (p. 104).
6. On the Detection tab, choose which types of storage devices to be detected.
7. Click OK to save and apply the changes.