Select Target
Click Add Target, select the files or folders that you want to scan and click OK.
The paths to the selected locations will appear in the Scan Target column. If you
change your mind about the location, just click the Remove button next to it. Click
the Remove All button to remove all the locations that were added to the list.
When you are done selecting the locations, set the Scan Options. The following
are available:
Select this option to scan all the files in the selected
Scan all files
Only the program files will be scanned. This means
only the files with the following extensions: .exe;
Scan files with
application extensions
only .bat; .com; .dll; .ocx; .scr; .bin; .dat; .386;
.vxd; .sys; .wdm; .cla; .class; .ovl; .ole; .exe;
.hlp; .doc; .dot; .xls; .ppt; .wbk; .wiz; .pot;
.ppa; .xla; .xlt; .vbs; .vbe; .mdb; .rtf; .htm;
.hta; .html; .xml; .xtp; .php; .asp; .js; .shs;
.chm; .lnk; .pif; .prc; .url; .smm; .pdf; .msi;
.ini; .csc; .cmd; .bas; .eml and .nws.