11. Dashboard
The Dashboard tab provides information regarding the security status of your
computer and allows you to fix pending issues.
The dashboard consists of the following sections:
● Overall Status - Indicates the number of issues affecting your computer and
helps you fix them. If there are any pending issues, you will see a red circle with
an exclamation mark and the Fix All Issues button. Click the button to start
the Fix All Issues wizard.
● Status Detail - Indicates the status of each main module using explicit sentences
and one of the following icons:
Green circle with a check mark: No issues affect the security status. Your
computer and data are protected.
Gray circle with an exclamation mark: The activity of this module's
components is not monitored. Thus, no information is available regarding their
security status. There may be specific issues related to this module.
Red circle with an exclamation mark: There are issues that affect the
security of your system. Critical issues require your immediate attention.
Non-critical issues should also be addressed as soon as possible.