Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment Model 406 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

14 Functional verification Welch Allyn Micropaq Monitor
ECG and alarm indicators test
1. Turn on power to the ECG simulator and set the values as:
ECG waveform: Normal sinus rhythm
ECG rate: 80 beats per minute (bpm)
ECG size: 1mV amplitude
2. Power up the monitor by inserting the battery if it is not already on.
3. Connect the ECG cable to the monitor and to the ECG simulator using all five leads.
4. On the monitor, press the scroll down key ( ) to access the Main menu and use the
scroll up ( ), scroll down and select ( ) keys to access the following menu items
and settings:
ECG Lead: ECG 1 set to II, ECG II set to III
ECG scale: 1 mV/cm
Waveform: 1 Waveform
Heart rate limits: 50 bpm (lower), 120 bpm (upper)
5. Confirm the monitor displays a normal sinus rhythm ECG waveform with a heart rate
of 80 bpm, ± 4 bpm.
6. Conduct an ECG lead fail test:
a. Remove the far left (LA) lead from the simulator.
b. Confirm an audio alarm sounds (1 second on, 4 seconds off).
c. Confirm a skeletal torso appears in the monitor display, with five dots arrayed on
d. In the monitor display, verify that the dot corresponding to the LA electrode on
the skeletal torso is blinking.
e. Reconnect the LA lead to the simulator.
f. Remove each lead at the simulator in turn.
g. Confirm the corresponding dot blinks with each removed simulator lead, and
stops blinking when the lead is reconnected.
7. Remove the ECG cable from the monitor.
8. Verify an audio alert sounds on the monitor and the following message appears:
If not connecting to Acuity the Micropaq LED will flash yellow and the acuity
indicator on the display will have a slash mark through it.
If connected to Acuity the Micropaq LED will flash green and the Acuity indicator
on the display will not blink. In the next step the LED will flash yellow when a lead
is disconnected.
If the monitor is connected to Acuity, the alarms must be configured at Acuity to
allow the audio alarms to sound on the monitor.