Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 204el Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Invasive Pressure
Welch Allyn 52 Propaq Encore Reference Guide
3. Wait for a tone to briefly sound and the word ZEROED to appear in the blood
pressure numerics window. You will then see the pressure scale to the left of the
waveform, and the pressure numerics appear.
4. Close the transducer's stopcock.
5. If the transducer will not zero, the words ZERO REJECTED (or NO ZERO, depending
on zone) will appear in the numerics window. Press
CANCEL and try zeroing again.
You won’t see the pressure values and the scales until an acceptable zero reference is
6. Check that the transducer is open to atmospheric air and that it is properly connected
to the Propaq Encore, then try zeroing again. The Propaq Encore will not allow
zeroing to occur if the pressure waveform is pulsatile, if there is too much noise in the
signal or if the transducer’s offset is too great. Once the channel is zeroed, the
pressure scale appears next to the waveform.
If the transducer still does not zero, try another transducer or another cable.
Setting up the Pressure Channel
Press INV PRS to set the invasive pressure channel selections: RANGE, RESCALE, and ZERO P1/
Setting the Invasive Pressure Alarms
Set the alarm limits according to your hospital's standards.
Rezeroing a Transducer
You can rezero a transducer at any time, after again opening the transducer stopcock to
atmospheric air. If the transducer has already produced pressure readings, rezeroing
provides a new zero reference for the Propaq.
If the zero value is not accepted, the Propaq Encore continues to use the previous zero
reference and displays the pressure values and waveforms based on that value. If the new
zero value is accepted, the new pressure values based on the new zero value are displayed,
and the waveform is adjusted according to the new scale.