Powerline P2X Home Gym User Manual

1. Lack of Adequate Warm-Up and Inadequate Flexibility
A warmed muscle is a more flexible muscle thats better able to lift heavier weights and work in a full range
of motion. Those warmed muscles also greatly reduce your chance of training injuries.
2. Improper Form
The use of improper form is a good way to keep you out of the gym. Not only does improper form cause
injuries, it also doesnt allow for adequate muscle-fiber stimulation.
3. Too Much Weight
Overloading the muscles is a good way to promote muscular growth, but packing on too much weight can
cause a snowball effect of improper form, injuries, and down time from your routine.
4. Not Enough Weight
Not lifting enough weight will prohibit the stimulation necessary for muscular growth. Keep challenging your
self to lift heavier weights on a progressive basis always maintaining proper form.
5. Not Enough Rest Between Workouts
If you’re still sore from your previous workout, you dont have to go back at it just because its your
scheduled day. Give your body an extra day off to fully recover so when you return you will be able to
give 100%.
6. Overtraining
Its not how much time you spend working out, but what you accomplish that really matters. Try to keep your
resistance workouts within 45 to 60 minutes per session.
7. Poor Diet and Supplementation
Eating the right combination of foods, along with good supplementation, will greatly promote your success.
Make your diet 50 percent carbohydrate, 35 percent protein, 15 percent fat, and take a good multivitamin
and protein / carbohydrate supplement. Dont forget the water- at least 80 ounces a day! Hydration is critical.
8. Stale Routines
Your body adapts very quickly to the demands placed upon it. Thats why you should have a variety of
exercises and routines that you can do. To keep your body growing, you’ve got to keep it off-guard.
Changing your exercises and routines is a sure way to do it.