Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

File Location
Custom WPS files may be located anywhere on the drive. The only restriction is that
they must end in .wps. When PLAY is pressed on a .wps file, it will be used for future
WPS screens. If the "played" .wps file is located in the /.rockbox folder, it will be
remembered and used after reboot. The .wps filename must be no more than 24
characters long for it to be remembered.
ID3 Info Tags:
%ia : ID3 Artist
%ic : ID3 Composer
%id : ID3 Album Name
%ig : ID3 Genre Name
%in : ID3 Track Number
%it : ID3 Track Title
%iy : ID3 Year
%iv : ID3 Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or empty if no id3 tag)
Battery Info:
%bl : Show numeric battery level in percent
%bt : Show estimated battery time left
File Info Tags:
%fb : File Bitrate (in kbps)
%ff : File Frequency (in Hz)
%fm : File Name
%fn : File Name (without extension)
%fp : File Path
%fs : File Size (In Kilobytes)
%fv : "(vbr)" if variable bit rate or "" if constant bit rate
%d1 : First directory from end of file path.
%d2 : Second directory from end of file path.
%d3 : Third directory from end of file path.
Example for the the %dN commands: If the path is /Rock/Kent/Isola/11 -747.mp3,
%d1 is "Isola", %d2 is "Kent", %d3 is 'Rock'.
Playlist/Song Info Tags:
%pb : Progress Bar
Player: This will display a 1 character "cup" that empties as the song progresses.
Recorder: This will replace the entire line with a progress bar.
%pf : Player: Full-line progress bar + time display
%pc : Current Time In Song
Rockbox User Manual