Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

Choose the source of the recording. This can be microphone, line in, or SPDIF
(digital). For recording from the radio on the FM recorder, see page 25 below.
Note: you cannot change the sample rate for digital recordings.
This allows you to select mono or stereo recording. Please note that for mono
recording, only the left channel is recorded.
Independent Frames
The independent frames option tells the Jukebox to encode with the bit reservoir
disabled, so the frames are independent of each other. This makes a file easier to
Time Split
This option is useful when timing recordings. If set to active it stops a recording at a
given interval and then starts recording again with a new file. This is useful for long
term recordings.
The splits are seamless (frame accurate), no audio is lost at the split point. The
break between recordings is only the time required to stop and restart the
recording, on the order of 2-4 seconds.
Options (hours:minutes between splits): off, 24:00, 18:00, 12:00, 10:00, 8:00,
6:00, 4:00, 2:00, 1:00, 00:30, 00:15, 00:10, 00:05.
Prerecord Time
This setting buffers a small amount of audio so that when the record button is
pressed, the recording will begin from that number of seconds earlier. This is useful
for ensuring that a recording begins before a cue that is being waited for.
Options: Off, 1-30 seconds
24 Rockbox User Manual