Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

Voice Menus
This option turns on the Voice User Interface, which will read out menu items and
settings as they are selected by the cursor. In order for this to work, a voice file
must be present in the /.rockbox/lang/ directory on the recorder. Voice files are
large (1.5MB) and are not shipped with Rockbox by default.
The voice file is the name of the language for which it is made, followed by the
extension .voice. So for English, the file name would be english.voice.
This option is on by default. It will do nothing unless the appropriate .voice file is
installed in the correct place on the Jukebox.
Voice Directories
This option turns on the speaking of directory names. The Jukebox is not powerful
enough to produce these voices in real time, so a number of options are available.
While Hovering: Use special pre-recorded MP3 files ( in each
directory. These must be generated in advance, and are typically produced
synthetically using a text to speech engine on a PC.
On Enter: Play on entry to the actual directory (i.e. when PLAY
is pressed on it).
Spell: Speak the directory name by spelling it out letter by letter. Support is
provided only for the most common letters and punctuation.
Numbers: Each directory is assigned a number based upon its position in the file
list. They are then announced as “Directory 1”, “Directory 2” etc.
Off: No attempt will be made to speak directory names.
Voice Filenames
This option turns on the speaking of directory names. The options provided are
“Spell”, “Numbers”, and “Off” which function the same as for Voice Directories.
Rockbox User Manual