Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

between the filled circle, which can take “o”s, and the filled square, which is used as a
mobile wall to allow your filled circle to get to places on the screen it could not
otherwise reach. The block cannot take "o"s.
ON Toggle control
F1 Previous level
F2 Reset level
F3 Next level
OFF Exit the game
Wormlet game
Wormlet is a multi-user multi-worm game on a multi-threaded multi-functional
Rockbox console. You navigate a hungry little worm. Help your worm to find food and
to avoid poisoned argh-tiles. The goal is to turn your tiny worm into a big worm for as
long as possible.
For 2-player games a remote control is not necessary but recommended. If you try to
hold the Jukebox in the four hands of two players you'll find out why. Games with
three players are only possible using a remote control.
Wormlet main menu controls:
UP/DOWN Selects number of players
LEFT/RIGHT Controls number of worms on the game
F1 Selects game mode.
46 Rockbox User Manual