Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

FM radio screen
This menu option switches to the radio screen.
The keys are:
Change frequency in 0.1 MHz steps. For automatic station seek, hold
LEFT/RIGHT for a little longer.
UP, DOWN Change volume
(EXPERIMENTAL) freezes all screen updates, may enhance radio
reception in some cases.
ON Leave the radio screen with the radio playing
OFF Back to main menu
The FM radio has the ability to record and to remember station frequency settings
Saving a preset
You can save your favourite stations in the 32 presets. Press F1 to go to the menu,
then select "Save preset". Enter the name (maximum number of characters is 32).
Selecting a preset
Press F2 to go to the preset list. Use UP and DOWN to move the cursor and then
press PLAY to select. Use LEFT to leave the preset without selecting anything.
Removing a preset
Press F1 to go to the menu, then select "Remove preset".
Press F3 to start recording the currently playing station. Press OFF to stop
recording. Press PLAY again to seamlessly start recording to a new file. The settings
for the recording can be changed in the F1 menu before starting the recording.
Note: The radio will turn off when playing an MP3.
Rockbox User Manual