Archos box rock Board Games User Manual

Initially you will be busy with controlling your worm. Try to avoid other worms and
crawl far away from them. Wait until they curl up themselves and collect the food
afterwards. Don't worry if the other worms grow longer than yours - you can catch
up after they've died.
When you are more experienced watch the tactics of other worms. Those worms
controlled by artificial stupidity head straight for the nearest piece of food. Let the
other worm have its next piece of food and head for the food it would probably
want next. Try to put yourself between the opponent and that food. From now on
you can 'control' the other worm by blocking it. You could trap it by making a 1
pixel wide U-turn. You also could move from food to food and make sure you keep
between your opponent and the food. So you can always reach it before your
While playing the game the Jukebox can still play music. For single player game use
any music you like. For berserk games with 2 players use hard rock and for 3 player
games use heavy metal or X-Phobie ( Play fair and don't
kick your opponent in the toe or poke him in the eye. That's would be bad manners.
Rockbox User Manual