If you disregard a Decompression obligation (i.e., ascend above the Required Stop Depth), operation
enters Conditional Violation Mode. The Audible Alarm sounds and the message DOWN >> TO >>
STOP scrolls at the top of the screen (each on 2 seconds). If the situation is corrected within 5 min-
utes, meaning you descend below the Required Stop Depth, operation continues in Decompression
Mode, otherwise it enters Delayed Violation Mode indicated by the entire N2BG flashing.
> Pressing and releasing the S button acknowledges and silences the Audible Alarm.
CV MAIN DISPLAY, information displayed includes (Fig. 70) -
• Graphic message DOWN >> TO >> STOP scrolling, each on for 2 seconds
• Down Arrow icon flashing until within 10 FT (3 M) below the Stop Depth
• Stop Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Stop Time (hr:min) with TIME - STOP icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Current Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Total Ascent Time (min) with TOTAL ASCENT and MINUTES icons
• N2BG, all segments on solid
> Press and release the S button to activate the Backlight.
> Press and release the A button to access Alternate Displays that display information similar to
those previously described. The message continues to scroll when ALT screens are displayed.
Fig. 70 - CV Main