To access SET DATE while viewing the SET 4 GO TO screen, press/release the A button 4 times. In-
formation displayed includes (Fig. 54) -
• Alpha graphic YEAR
• Month.Day previously set
• Time of Day (hr:min) previously set with TIME icon
• Year Set Point, flashing
> Depressing and holding the S button will scroll upward through the YEAR Set Points from
2008 through 2051 at a rate of 8 Set Points per second. Pressing and releasing the S button re-
peatedly (< 2 sec each time) steps upward through the Set Points 1 at a time.
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Year Set Point, the graphic MNTH replaces
YEAR, and the Month digits flash.
> Depressing and holding the S button will scroll upward through the MONTH Set Points from 1
through 12 in increments of 1 Month at a rate of 8 Set Points per second. Pressing and releas-
ing the S button repeatedly (< 2 sec each time) steps upward through the Set Points 1 at a time.
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Month Set Point, the graphic DAY replaces
MNTH, and the Day digits flash.
> Depressing and holding the S button will scroll upward through the DAY Set Points from 1
through 31 (max) in increments of 1 at a rate of 8 Set Points per second. Pressing and releasing
the S button repeatedly (< 2 sec each time) steps upward through the Set Points 1 at a time.
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Day Set Point and reverts to SET 4 GO TO.
> Depressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Fig. 54 - Set Date