> Pressing and holding the side (Select) button scrolls through the set points at a rate of 4 per sec-
ond .
> Pressing and releasing the front (Advance) button accepts the setting and advances to SET FO2.
> Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
> Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Factory set for 21%, FO2 can also be set at Values from 22 to 50% in increments of 1%. FO2 defaults
to 21% after the unit shuts off and is reactivated and set for Nitrox Mode operation.
To access SET FO2 while viewing the SET 1 GO TO screen, press/release the A button 3 times. In-
formation displayed includes (Fig. 36) -
• Alpha graphic FO2
• Max Depth allowed for the PO2 Alarm set with MAXIMUM and FEET (or METERS) icons
• NITROX icon
• FO2 Set Point (21 to 50) value flashing with FO2% icon
> Depressing and holding the S button will scroll upward through the Set Points from 21 through
32 in increments of 1 (%) at a rate of 8 per second. The scroll stops at 32 for several seconds
then continues to scroll from 32 through 50 then back to 21%.
> Pressing and releasing the S button momentarily and repeatedly (< 2 sec each time) steps up-
ward through the Set Points at a rate of 1 per press/release.
Fig. 36 - Set FO2