> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the setting and advances to SET FO2 DEFAULT.
> Pressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Factory set ON, the FO2 DEFAULT can also be set OFF.
When set ON, 10 minutes on the surface after the dive FO2 is displayed as 50 and further calculations are based on 50% O2 for
Oxygen and 21% O2 for Nitrogen (79% Nitrogen) unless you set the FO2 before the dive. FO2 continues to reset to the FO2
50% Default after subsequent repetitive dives until the unit shuts Off, or the DEFAULT is set OFF.
When set OFF, the FO2 Value remains set at the last Set Point saved for the remainder of that Activation Period.
To access SET FO2 DEFAULT while viewing the SET 1 GO TO screen, press/release the A button 4 times. Information dis-
played includes (Fig. 37) -
• Alpha graphic DFT
• Set Point ON (or OFF) flashing
• NITROX icon
• Graphic 50 with FO2% icon
> Pressing and releasing the S button toggles between ON and OFF.
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Set Point and reverts to SET 1 Go To.
> Depressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Fig. 37 - Set Default