AIR MODE DATA screen (Fig. 14)
• Alpha graphic DATA
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• Altitude level graphic SEA (or L - 2 through L - 7, or outr)
• AIR graphic (indicating operating mode)
NITROX MODE DATA screen (Fig. 15)
• Alpha graphic DATA
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• Altitude level graphic SEA (or L - 2 through L - 7, or outr)
• NITROX icon (indicating operating mode)
• PO2 and FO2 set points, and FO2% icon
GAUGE MODE DATA screen (Fig. 16)
• Alpha graphic DATA
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• Altitude level graphic SEA (or L - 2 through L - 7, or outr)
• GAU graphic (indicating operating mode)
While viewing the DATA screens -
• Pressing the S (Right) button (< 2 sec) activates the Backlight.
• Pressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the A (Left) button (< 2 sec) accesses the PLAN screen (LAST screen if Gauge).
• The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Fig. 14 - Air Mode Data
Fig. 15 - Nitrox Mode
Fig. 16 - Gauge Mode