
A single short beep is emitted after the Diagnostic check, upon automatic return to Surface Mode from Simulator Mode, upon
completion of a battery change with calculations/settings saved, or upon change from Delayed to Full Violation after that dive.
In the event that another Alarm situation occurs, any scrolling message will be displayed until it is acknowledged, at which
time it will be replaced by a message that was previously scrolling.
Reminder Alarm situations include -
• PO2 equal to or greater than 1.60 ATA, or the Max PO2 Alarm setting.
• Descent deeper than the Max Depth Alarm setting.
• Dive Time Remaining decreases to the Alarm setting.
Cautionary Alarm situations include -
• Entry into Decompression Mode
• O2 Accumulation equal to or greater than allowable per dive limit, or limit for a 24 hour period.
• Ascending above a required Decompression Stop Depth for less than 5 minutes.
• Ascent rate exceeds 60 FPM (18 MPM) when deeper than 60 FT (18 M), or 30 FPM (9 MPM) at 30 FT (9 M) or less.
• Entry into Delayed or Full Violation modes (described later).
Situations in which the Alarm cannot be acknowledged include -
• Being above a required Decompression Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes.
• Being in Decompression that requires a Stop Depth much greater than 60 FT (18 M).
• Being on the surface for 5 minutes without completing a Decompression obligation.