During Dive Modes, a Main (Default) screen of information relevant to that Dive Mode is displayed.
During No Deco dives deeper than 80 FT (24 M), if enabled a Deep Stop (a Set 3 selection) to be
taken at 1/2 Max Depth for 2 minutes (2:00 min:sec) is triggered and displayed as a Preview screen
when accessed while 10 FT (3 M) deeper than the calculated Stop Depth and as a Stop screen upon
ascent to 10 FT (3 M) below the Stop Depth. When the feature is set OFF, the Preview screen is not
available and the Stop screen is not displayed.
During an Ascent on No Deco dives deeper than 30 FT (10 M), a Safety Stop to be taken at 20 FT (6
M) for 3 minutes is displayed.
NO DECO MAIN (Default)
Information displayed includes (Fig. 55) -
• Max Depth with MAXIMUM and FEET (or METERS) icons
• Elapsed Dive Time (hr:min) with DIVE TIME icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Current Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• NDC (min) with MINUTES icon
• N2BG and ASC (if ascending)
> Pressing and releasing the A (Left) button accesses the ALT 1 screen.
> Depressing the A button for 2 seconds accesses the Deep Stop Preview screen, if triggered.
> Pressing and releasing the S (Right) button activates the Backlight and acknowledges/silences
alarms when they strike.
Fig. 55 - No Deco Main