
The PLAN screens are accessible during a new activation period or greater than 10 minutes after surfacing from a dive.
When set for Air or Nitrox operation, pressing and releasing the A (left) button 2 times (< 2 sec each time) while the TIME/
WET screen is being displayed (TIME/WET >> DATA >> PLAN), or 1 time while the DATA screen is being displayed will
access the PLAN screen.
While viewing the PLAN screen, pressing and releasing the S (Right) button increases the Planned Depth in increments of 10
FT (3 M), displaying the information one screen at a time. Holding the button depressed scrolls through the screens at a rate of
8 per second. The Backlight does not operate when S is pressed.
Information provided includes Depths and allowable no decompression dive times (NDLs) for Depths from 30 to 190 FT (9 to
57 M).
If calculations are controlled by Nitrogen, the N2 Bar Graph displays all no deco segments. If calculations are controlled by
Oxygen, all segments of the O2 Bar Graph are displayed.
For Depths where no time is allowed, 00 appears for Time and the DECO segment of the N2 Bar Graph flashes. The graphic
PO2 and O2BG flash on the last PLAN screen (allowed time = 00).
The chart in the back of the manual lists predicted PLAN VALUES for Altitudes from Sea Level to 14,000 feet (4,270 meters)
based upon no residual nitrogen from previous dives.