Upon ascending to within 10 FT (3 M) below the calculated Deep Stop, a Deep Stop (DS) Main screen
(Fig. 59) will automatically appear with the alpha graphics DEEP and STOP scrolling at the top of the
screen (each On for 2 seconds).
Information displayed also includes - the recommended Stop Depth (1/2 the calculated Max Depth)
with the 2 minute Countdown Timer that counts down from 2:00 to 0:00 (min:sec), Current Depth,
NDC Time Remaining, and the N2BG.
Press and release the A button (< 2 sec) to access the ALT 1 screen that displays Max Depth and
Elapsed Dive Time (Fig. 60), press it again to view the ALT 2 screen displaying Temperature and
Time (similar to figure 56, page 57); then if a Nitrox dive, press it again to view ALT 3 displaying
FO2 and PO2 (similar to figure 57, page 57). The graphic message DEEP >> STOP continues to
scroll while the ALT screens are displayed.
In the event that you descend 10 FT (3 M) deeper than, or ascend 10 FT (3 M) shallower than, the
Stop Depth during the countdown, the No Deco Main display will replace the Deep Stop Main screen
which will be disabled for the remainder of that dive.
Fig. 59 - DS Main
Fig. 60 - DS ALT 1