Pressing and releasing the S button momentarily (< 2 sec each time) steps through the SET 1 (Fig. 33),
SET 2, SET 3, SET 4 GO TO screens. SET 2, 3, and 4 screens are similar to SET 1.
While a SET GO TO screen is displayed, you have up to 2 minutes to press and release the A button
(< 2 sec) to access the first selection of that Set Group.
> Pressing and releasing the S button (< 2 sec) 1 time while the SET GO TO screen is displayed,
accesses the SET 1 GO TO screen.
> Pressing and releasing the A button while the SET 1 GO TO screen is displayed, accesses the
Set Operating MODE screen with the Set Point flashing.
Factory set for AIR, the INSIGHT can also be set for NITROX or GAUGE.
Appearing on the screen are (Fig. 34) -
• Alpha graphic MODE
• Graphic Air, or NITROX icon, or graphic GAU, flashing
> Pressing and releasing the S button (< 2 sec) step through the Set Points.
> Pressing and releasing the A button (< 2 sec) saves the Set Point.
• If Nitrox is selected, operation advances to SET PO2 ALARM VALUE.
• If Air or Gauge is selected, operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
> Depressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Fig. 33 - Set 1 Group
Fig. 34 - Set MODE