To access SET DECO ALARM while viewing the SET 2 GO TO screen, press/release the A button (6
or 7 times) until the Set screen appears (Fig. 46) -
• Alpha graphics DECO and AL
• Set Point graphic ON (or OFF) flashing, with full N2BG solid
> Pressing and releasing the S button toggles between ON and OFF
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Set Point and advances to SET PO2 ALARM.
> Depressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Factory set ON, the PO2 ALARM can also be set OFF. When set OFF, the Alarm will not sound
when PO2 increases.
To access SET PO2 ALARM while viewing the SET 2 GO TO screen, press/release the A button (7 or
8 times) until the Set screen appears (Fig. 47) -
• Alpha graphic PO2
• Set Point graphic ON (or OFF) flashing, with NITROX icon
> Pressing and releasing the S button toggles between ON and OFF
> Pressing and releasing the A button saves the Set Point and reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
> Depressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Operation reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
Fig. 46 - Set Deco Alarm
Fig. 47 - Set PO2 Alarm