SIMULATOR SURFACE screen (Fig. 29)
• Alpha graphic SURF
• Date (month.day)
• Surface Interval (hr:min) with graphics TIME and SURFACE
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Time of Day (hr:min)
> Depressing and holding the S button increases Surface Interval (SI) 1 minute per real second.
> Pressing and releasing the S button starts a Descent at a rate of 2 FT per real second.
> Pressing and releasing the A button reverts to the SIMU GO TO screen.
> Pressing both buttons for 2 seconds reverts to the SIMU SURF screen.
SIMULATOR DIVE MODE screens (Fig. 30/31)
• Alpha graphic SIMU
• Max Depth with MAXIMUM and FEET (or METERS) icons
• Elapsed Dive Time with DIVE TIME icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Current Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• NDC (min) with MINUTES icon
• Applicable Bar Graphs (N2BG, ARI), O2BG if High O2 Alarm condition
• Down Arrow icon during Descent (Fig. 30), or Up Arrow icon during Ascent (Fig. 31)
> quick taps of the S button stops and starts Descents at a rate of 2 FT per sec.
> quick taps of the A button starts and stops Ascents at a rate of 1 FT per sec.
Fig. 29 - Simu Surface
Fig. 30 - Descending
Fig. 31 - Ascending