Upon ascending to 20 FT (6 M) on any No Decompression dive in which Depth exceeded 30 FT (9
M), a Safety Stop screen appears with a countdown timer beginning at 3:00 (min:sec) and counting
down to 0:00.
NOTE: The Safety Stop is not required and although recommended, it does not
have to be taken. There will be no penalty if the Stop is ignored and ascent (or
other activity) is continued.
In the event that you descend below 30 FT (9 M) during the countdown, the No Deco Main screen re-
places the Safety Stop Main screen which reappears upon ascent to 20 FT (6 M). Information dis-
played on the Main includes (Fig. 61) -
• Graphics SAFE >> STOP >> 20FT (or 6M), scrolling (each on 2 sec)
• Stop Depth of 20 FT (or 6 M) with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Countdown Timer (min:sec) with TIME - STOP icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Current Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• NDC (min) with MINUTES icon
• N2BG
> Press and release the S button to activate the Backlight.
> Press and release the A button to access Alternate Displays that display information similar to
those for Deep Stop. The graphic message SAFE >> STOP >> 20FT (or 6M) continues to
scroll while the ALT screens are displayed.
Fig. 61 - Safety Stop