Chapter 3 Viewing the BCM50 system LEDs 65
BCM50 Installation and Maintenance Guide
The DTM has additional LEDs that are not on most other MBMs. Figure 25 on page 65 shows the
location of the DTM LEDs.
Figure 25 DTM LEDs
Table 14 describes the functions of the DTM LEDs.
Table 14 DTM LED functions
LED Status Descriptions
Power – Refer to “Media bay module LEDs (expansion units only)” for details.
Status – Refer to “Media bay module LEDs (expansion units only)” for details.
In service Flashing The T1, ETSI, or PRI trunks are out of service because a loopback test is
running or the DTM is initializing.
Loopback test On A continuity loopback test is running.
Receive alarm On A problem with the received digital transmission. This half-duplex link does
not work.
Receive error On A small error as a result of degraded digital transmission. Possible causes are
an ohmic connection, water ingress, or too long a loop.
Transmit alarm On The DTM cannot transmit. The DTM sends an alarm indication signal (AIS) to
the terminating switch. This half-duplex link does not work.
Transmit error On The DTM is sending a remote alarm indication (RAI) carrier failure alarm
(CFA) to the terminating switch. If the transmit alarm is not on, this error
indicates a far-end or cable problem.
All LEDS Flashing The DTM is initializing.
Power LED
Status LED
In service LED
Loopback test LED
Receive LEDs
Transmit LEDs