
160 Chapter 18 Testing basic BCM50 functionality
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To test the main unit (without a valid keycode)
1 Confirm that the date and time is displayed on the phone and is incrementing.
2 Perform a button inquiry by pressing Feature*0.
3 Press Intercom. The DN of your phone displays.
4 Press #. The port of the phone displays.
If this test is successful, the main unit and phone are both working.
To troubleshoot the main unit
If a test fails, use the following procedure:
1 Verify that there is a keycode for any feature that is not working.
2 Check the wiring to main unit and the MBMs. Make sure that the cables are properly seated
and are connected to the correct ports.
3 Reboot the BCM50 system.
4 Check LEDs (see “Viewing the BCM50 system LEDs” on page 59).
5 Use Element Manager or the Telset Administration feature to check the programming for the
lines or extensions that failed the call test.
6 If the programming is incorrect, use the Backup and Restore Utility to load a recent backup of
system programming. If a recent backup is not available, correct the programming using
Element Manager or the Telephone Administration feature.
To test the expansion unit
Use the following test to ensure the expansion unit is operating properly:
1 Make sure that the BCM50 system has fully booted. Refer to “Viewing the BCM50 system
LEDs” on page 59 for indications that the system is fully operational.
2 Check the power and status LEDs on the MBM that is inserted in the expansion unit. Both
LEDs should be solid green. If either LED is not solid green, there is a problem with the MBM
or the expansion unit. Refer to “Viewing the BCM50 system LEDs” on page 59 for a detailed
description of the LED states.
3 If the expansion unit has an MBM that supports extensions, go to an extension that is
connected to the MBM.
4 Check for dial tone.
5 Use this extension to make a call to another extension on the system.
6 If the expansion unit has an MBM that supports lines, go to an extension that has access to one
of the lines on the MBM.
7 Select the line or line pool to which the line belongs.
8 Check for dial tone.