Chapter 14 Using Element Manager to set the basic parameters 135
BCM50 Installation and Maintenance Guide
Configuring the initial parameters
Use the following procedures to configure the initial parameters for the BCM50 using Element
• “To enter the keycodes”
• “To configure the IP subsystem”
• “To configure the modem” on page 136
• “To configure the start-up template for telephony services” on page 136
• “To initialize voice mail” on page 136
To enter the keycodes
1 From the Configuration tab, click the System folder to expand it.
2 Select Keycodes from the System folder. The Keycodes screen opens.
You can enter the keycodes for your system on this screen.
Refer to the BCM50 Keycode Installation Guide (N0016865) for details on how to retrieve and
enter the keycodes for your system.
To configure the IP subsystem
1 From the Configuration tab, click the System folder to expand it.
2 Select IP Subsystem from the System folder.
3 Select the General Settings tab. It is normally selected by default.
4 Click Modify... in the IP Settings area. The Modify IP Settings dialog box opens.
5 Configure the Modify IP Settings attributes (see Table 22).
6 Click Ok.
Table 22 Modify IP Settings attributes
Attribute Description
Obtain IP address dynamically If this is selected, the BCM50 attempts to take IP address information
from a DHCP server.
If this is not selected, you must enter values for static IP address, IP
subnet mask, and Default gateway.
IP address The IP address of the BCM50.
Subnet mask The subnet mask used by the BCM50.
Default gateway The gateway used by the BCM50.
Note 1: If a DHCP Server is present on the network, then the BCM50 becomes a DHCP client.
Note 2: If any of the attributes are modified, then the Element Manager session is disconnected.