174 Chapter 21 Replacing a main unit
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Refer to the following sections for information on replacing the BCM50 main unit:
• “Preparing the system for maintenance”
• “Removing the main unit” on page 175
• “Installing the new main unit” on page 176
Preparing the system for maintenance
In most cases, if the BCM50 main unit is faulty, the system will already be shut down. If this is the
case, proceed to “To disconnect the cables”. If the system is still operating, perform the following
To shut down the system
1 Check for a recent backup of the BCM50 system programming.
2 If there is no recent backup, use Element Manager to back up the system data. For information
about backing up the system data, refer to the BCM50 Administration Guide (N0016868).
3 In Element Manager, from the Administration tab, click the Utilities folder to expand it.
4 Select Reset from the Utilities folder.
5 Click Reboot BCM50 System to reboot the system.
The BCM50 system begins the shutdown process.
6 Unplug the main unit, when the status and power LEDs go from solid green to flashing orange.
7 Continue to the next step, “To disconnect the cables”.
To disconnect the cables
1 Remove the 25-pair cable from the RJ-21 telephony connector on the front of the main unit.
2 Remove the Ethernet cable from the LAN port.
3 If the main unit is a BCM50a or a BCM50e, remove the Ethernet cable or ADSL line from the
WAN port and the Ethernet cables from the Router card LAN ports.
4 Remove the expansion cables or LAN cables from the expansion ports on the main unit. For
the expansion cables, make sure you mark the cables with the number of the port to which they
were connected.
5 If the system uses the external Music Source port, remove the cable from the Music Source
6 If the system uses a UPS, remove the USB cable from the USB port.
7 Rotate the power supply retention clip to free the power supply cord.
8 Remove the power supply cord from the main unit.