Manually Configure Internet and WAN Settings
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Set the UTM’s MAC Address and Configure Advanced
WAN Options
The advanced options include configuring the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size, the
port speed, and the UTM’s MAC address, and setting a rate limit on the traffic that is
forwarded by the UTM.
Note: You can also configure the failure detection method for the
auto-rollover mode on the WAN Advanced Options screen for the
corresponding WAN interface. This procedure is discussed in
Configure the Failure Detection Method on page 84.
Each computer or router on your network has a unique 48-bit local
Ethernet address. This is also referred to as the computer’s Media
Access Control (MAC) address. The default, on the WAN Advanced
Options screen, is Use Default Address. If your ISP requires MAC
authentication and another MAC address has been previously
registered with your ISP, then you need to enter that address on the
Advanced Options screen for the DSL interface.
To configure advanced WAN options:
1. Select Network Config > WAN Settings.
2. Click the Edit button in the Action column of the WAN interface for which you want to
configure the advanced options. The WAN ISP Settings screen displays (see Figure 38 on
page 73, which shows the WAN1 ISP Settings screen of the UTM50 as an example).
3. Click the Advanced option arrow in the upper right of the screen. The WAN Advanced
Options screen displays for the WAN interface that you selected. (The following figure shows
the WAN1 Advanced Options screen of the UTM50 as an example.)