Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
To delete an untrusted certificate:
1. From the Exceptions - Untrusted Certificates But Granted Access table, select the
2. Click Delete Selected.
To move an untrusted certificate to the Trusted Certificate Authorities table:
1. From the Exceptions - Untrusted Certificates But Granted Access table, select the
2. Click Add to Trusted List. The previously untrusted certificate is added to the Trusted
Certificates table.
Specify Trusted Hosts for HTTPS Scanning
You can specify trusted hosts for which the UTM bypasses HTTPS traffic scanning and
security certificate authentication. The security certificate is sent directly to the client for
authentication, which means that the user does not receive a security alert (see Figure 126
on page 231) for trusted hosts.
Note that certain sites contain elements from different HTTPS hosts. As an example, assume
that the https://example.com site contains HTTPS elements from the following three hosts:
• trustedhostserver1.example.com
• trustedhostserver2.example.com
• imageserver.example.com
To bypass the scanning of the https://example.com site completely, you need to add all three
hosts to the trusted hosts list because different files from these three hosts are also
downloaded when a user attempts to access the https://example.com site.
To specify trusted hosts:
1. Select Application Security > SSL Settings > Trusted Hosts. The Trusted Hosts
screen displays.