Firewall Protection
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Figure 102.
2. Enter the settings as explained in the following table:
3. Click the Add table button. The new IP/MAC rule is added to the IP/MAC Bindings table.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
Table 37. IP/MAC Binding screen settings
Setting Description
Email IP/MAC Violations
Do you want to
enable E-mail Logs
for IP/MAC Binding
Select one of the following radio buttons:
• Yes. IP/MAC binding violations are emailed.
• No. IP/MAC binding violations are not emailed.
Note: Click the Email Notification link to ensure that emailing of logs is enabled on
the Email and Syslog screen (see Configure Logging, Alerts, and Event Notifications
on page 466).
IP/MAC Bindings
Name A descriptive name of the binding for identification and management purposes.
MAC Address The MAC address of the computer or device that is bound to the IP address.
IP Address The IP address of the computer or device that is bound to the MAC address.
Log Dropped
To log the dropped packets, select Enable from the drop-down list. The default setting
is Disable.