Virtual Private Networking Using SSL Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
4. Click Apply to save your settings. The new configuration is added to the Defined Resource
Addresses table.
To delete a configuration from the Defined Resource Addresses table, click the Delete table
button to the right of the configuration that you want to delete.
Configure User, Group, and Global Policies
You can define and apply user, group, and global policies to predefined network resource
objects, IP addresses, address ranges, or all IP addresses, and to different SSL VPN
services. A specific hierarchy is invoked over which policies take precedence. The UTM
policy hierarchy is defined as follows:
• User policies take precedence over all group policies.
• Group policies take precedence over all global policies.
• If two or more user, group, or global policies are configured, the most specific policy takes
For example, a policy that is configured for a single IP address takes precedence over a
policy that is configured for a range of addresses. And a policy that applies to a range of IP
addresses takes precedence over a policy that is applied to all IP addresses. If two or more
IP address ranges are configured, then the smallest address range takes precedence. Host
names are treated the same as individual IP addresses.
Network resources are prioritized just like other address ranges. However, the prioritization is
based on the individual address or address range, not the entire network resource.
Object Type From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:
• IP Address. The object is an IP address. You need to enter the IP address
or the FQDN in the IP Address / Name field.
• IP Network. The object is an IP network. You need to enter the network IP
address in the Network Address field and the network mask length in the
Mask Length field.
IP Address / Name Applicable only when you select IP Address as the
object type. Enter the IP address or FQDN for the
location that is permitted to use this resource.
Network Address Applicable only when you select IP Network as the
object type. Enter the network IP address for the
locations that are permitted to use this resource.
Object Type
Mask Length Applicable only when you select IP Network as the
object type. As an option, enter the network mask (0–31)
for the locations that are permitted to use this resource.
Port Range / Port Number A port or a range of ports (0–65535) to apply the policy to. The policy is applied
to all TCP and UDP traffic that passes on those ports. Leave the fields blank to
apply the policy to all traffic.
Table 96. Resources screen settings to edit a resource (continued)
Setting Description