ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
202-10780-01 1.0 September 2011 • Added the UTM9S with the following major new features:
- xDSL module (see Chapter 1, Introduction and Chapter
3, Manually Configure Internet and WAN Settings)
- Wireless module (see Chapter 1, Introduction and
Appendix B, Wireless Network Module for the UTM9S
and UTM25S)
- ReadyNAS integration, quarantine options, and
quarantine logs (see Connect to a ReadyNAS and
Configure Quarantine Settings, Query and Manage the
Quarantine Logs, and Appendix E, ReadyNAS
- PPTP server (see Configure the PPTP Server)
- L2TP server (see Configure the L2TP Server)
• Updated the VPN client sections with the new VPN client
(see Chapter 7, Virtual Private Networking
Using IPSec, PPTP, or L2TP Connections)
202-10674-02 1.0 March 2011 • Added the UTM150.
• Removed the platform-specific chapters and sections
because the UTM5, UTM10, and UTM25 now support the
same web management interface menu layout that was
already supported on the UTM50. The major changes for
the UTM5, UTM10, and UTM25 are documented in
Chapter 3, Manually Configure Internet and WAN Settings,
and in the following sections:
- Set Exception Rules for Web and Application Access
- Configure Authentication Domains, Groups, and Users
• Added new features (for all UTM models). The major new
features are documented in the following sections:
- Electronic Licensing
- VLAN Rules
- Create Service Groups
- Create IP Groups
- Manage SSL Certificates for HTTPS Scanning
- Update the Firmware
- View, Schedule, and Generate Reports
202-10674-01 1.0 September 2010 • Added the UTM50 and UTM50-specific chapters and
• Revised the DMZ WAN and LAN DMZ default policies.
202-10482-03 1.0 May 2010 • Applied numerous nontechnical edits.
• Added the Requirements for Entering IP Addresses
• Added a note about the processing of normal email traffic
in the Configure Distributed Spam Analysis section.
• Updated the NTP section.
202-10482-02 1.0 January 2010 Updated the web management interface screens, made the
manual platform-independent, added a model comparison
table, and removed performance specifications (see marketing
documentation for such specifications).
202-10482-01 1.0 September 2009 Initial publication of this reference manual.