A. xDSL Network Module for the UTM9S
and UTM25S
This appendix describes how to configure the DSL interfaces of the NMSDSLA and NMSDSLB
network modules that you can install in a UTM9S or UTM25S. This appendix includes the
following sections:
• xDSL Network Module Configuration Tasks
• Configure the xDSL Settings
• Automatically Detecting and Connecting the xDSL Internet Connection
• Manually Configure the xDSL Internet Connection
• Configure the WAN Mode
• Configure Secondary WAN Addresses
• Configure Dynamic DNS
• Set the UTM’s MAC Address and Configure Advanced WAN Options
• Additional WAN-Related Configuration Tasks
A UTM9S or UTM25S can simultaneously support a DSL WAN interface, Ethernet WAN
interfaces, and a USB WAN interface.
• For information about how to configure the Ethernet WAN interfaces, see Chapter 3,
Manually Configure Internet and WAN Settings.
• For information about how to configure the USB WAN interface, see Appendix C, 3G/4G
Dongles for the UTM9S and UTM25S.
Note: In previous releases for the UTM9S, these network modules were
referred to as the UTM9SDSLA and UTM9SDSLB. The
UTM9SDSLA is identical to the NMSDSLA, and the UTM9SDSLB is
identical to the NMSDSLB.