C. 3G/4G Dongles for the UTM9S and
This appendix describes how to configure the wireless features of a mobile broadband USB
adapter (3G/4G dongle) that you can install in a UTM9S or UTM25S. This appendix includes the
following sections:
• 3G/4G Dongle Configuration Tasks
• Manually Configure the USB Internet Connection
• Configure the 3G/4G Settings
• Configure the WAN Mode
• Configure Dynamic DNS
• Additional WAN-Related Configuration Tasks
A UTM9S or UTM25S can simultaneously support a USB WAN interface, Ethernet WAN
interfaces, and a DSL WAN interface:
• For information about how to configure the Ethernet WAN interfaces, see Chapter 3,
Manually Configure Internet and WAN Settings.
• For information about how to configure the DSL WAN interface, see Appendix A, xDSL
Network Module for the UTM9S and UTM25S.
Note: The UTM9S and UTM25S support 3G, 4G, and combined 3G/4G
dongles. This appendix refers to these three types of dongles as
3G/4G dongles.
3G/4G Dongle Configuration Tasks
A 3G/4G dongle provides wireless connectivity to a UTM9S or UTM25S. You can insert a
single dongle in the USB port on the front panel.
A list of supported dongles is available at http://support.netgear.com/utmhcl.
Generally, four steps, one of which is optional, are required to complete the 3G/4G Internet
connection of your UTM9S or UTM25S.