Virtual Private Networking Using SSL Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
SSL VPN Wizard Step 3 of 6 (User Settings)
Figure 206.
Note that the previous figure contains an example. Enter the settings as explained in the
following table, and then click Next to go the following screen.
Do not enter an existing user name in the User Name field;
otherwise, the SSL VPN Wizard fails when you attempt to apply the
settings and the UTM reboots to recover its configuration.
Table 90. SSL VPN Wizard Step 3 of 6 screen settings (user settings)
Setting Description
User Name A descriptive (alphanumeric) name of the user for identification and management purposes.
User Type When you use the SSL VPN Wizard, the user type is always SSL VPN User. You cannot
change the user type on this screen; the user type is displayed for information only.
Group When you create a domain on the second SSL VPN Wizard screen, a group with the same
name is automatically created. (A user belongs to a group, and a group belongs to a
domain.) You cannot change the group on this screen; the group is displayed for
information only.
Password The password that needs to be entered by the user to gain access to the UTM. The
password needs to contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), or underscore (_) characters.
Confirm Password This field needs to be identical to the password that you entered in the Password field.
Idle Timeout The period after which an idle user is automatically logged out of the web management
interface. The default idle time-out period is 5 minutes.