Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
• Web Category.
Figure 147. Custom categories: web categories
4. Complete the fields and make your selections from the drop-down lists as explained in the
following table:
Table 58. Custom Categories screen settings
Setting Description
Name A name of the custom category for identification and management purposes.
Description A description of the category group for identification and management purposes.
Category Type From the Category Type drop-down list, select the type of category that you want to create.
Your selection determines the content that is displayed onscreen.
Application Select the categories of applications and individual applications that you
want to include in the custom category by using the following methods:
To select one or more categories of applications:
In the left pane, select one or more categories from the Categories list by
clicking the + next to each category. The categories display in the
Applications in this Category table.
To select one or more individual applications:
1. In the left pane, select a category from the Categories list by clicking
the + next to the category.
2. In the right pane, select applications by clicking the + next to each
application. The applications display in the Applications in this
Category table.
To search for an application:
1. In the right pane, click Show All.
2. Type the name of the application (or the first few letters) in the search