Virtual Private Networking Using SSL Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Portal The portal that you selected on the first SSL VPN Wizard screen. You cannot change
the portal on this screen; the portal is displayed for information only.
Authentication Server All authentication
types except the
Local User
The server IP address or server name of the authentication server
for any type of authentication other than authentication through
the local user database.
Authentication Secret All RADIUS,
The authentication secret or password that is required to access
the authentication server for RADIUS, WiKID, or MIAS
Workgroup NT Domain only The workgroup that is required for Microsoft NT Domain
LDAP Base DN LDAP only The LDAP base distinguished name (DN) that is required for
LDAP authentication.
Active Directory
Active Directory
The Active Directory domain name that is required for Microsoft
Active Directory authentication.
LDAP Port LDAP and Active
The port number for the LDAP or Active Directory authentication
server. The default port for the LDAP server is 389, which is
generally the default port for TLS encryption or no encryption.
When the encryption is SSL, the default port is generally 636.
Bind DN The LDAP or Active Directory DN that is required to access the
LDAP or Active Directory authentication server. This should be a
user in the LDAP or Active Directory who has read access to all
the users that you would like to import into the UTM. The Bind DN
field accepts two formats:
• A display name in the dn format. For example:
cn=Jamie Hanson,cn=users,dc=test,dc=com.
• A Windows login account name in email format. For
example: jhanson@testAD.com. This last type of bind DN can
be used only for a Windows Active Directory server.
Bind Password The authentication secret or password that is required to access
the LDAP or Active Directory authentication server.
LDAP Encryption From the drop-down list, select the encryption type for the
connection between the UTM and the LDAP or Active Directory
• None. The connection is not encrypted. This is the default
• TLS. The connection uses Transport Layer Security (TLS)
• SSL. The connection uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Table 89. SSL VPN Wizard Step 2 of 6 screen settings (domain settings) (continued)
Setting Description