Troubleshoot and Use Online Support
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Basic Functioning
• Verify the Correct Sequence of Events at Startup
• Power LED Not On
• Test LED Never Turns Off
• LAN or WAN Port LEDs Not On
Note: For descriptions of all LEDs, see LED Descriptions, UTM5, UTM10,
UTM25, UTM50, and UTM150 on page 30 or LED Descriptions,
UTM9S, UTM25S, and their Network Modules on page 32.
Verify the Correct Sequence of Events at Startup
After you turn on power to the UTM, verify that the following sequence of events
1. When power is first applied, verify that the Power LED is on.
2. After approximately 2 minutes, verify that:
a. The Test LED is no longer lit.
b. The left LAN port LEDs are lit for any local ports that are connected.
c. The left WAN port LEDs are lit for any WAN ports that are connected.
If a port’s left LED is lit, a link has been established to the connected device. If a port is
connected to a 1000-Mbps device, verify that the port’s right LED is green. If the port
functions at 100 Mbps, the right LED is amber. If the port functions at 10 Mbps, the right
LED is off.
If any of these conditions do not occur, see the appropriate following section.
Power LED Not On
If the Power and other LEDs are off when your UTM is turned on, make sure that the power
cord is correctly connected to your UTM and that the power supply adapter is correctly
connected to a functioning power outlet.
If the error persists, you have a hardware problem and should contact NETGEAR technical
Test LED Never Turns Off
When the UTM is powered on, the Test LED turns on for approximately 2 minutes and then
turns off when the UTM has completed its initialization. If the Test LED remains on, there is a
fault within the UTM.