Virtual Private Networking Using IPSec, PPTP, or L2TP Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
To display the wizard default settings, click the VPN Wizard default values option arrow
in the upper right of the screen. A pop-up screen displays (see Figure 153 on page 268),
showing the wizard default values.
The VPN Wizard default values screen lists some incorrect default values. The correct
values are listed in the following table.
2. Select the radio buttons and complete the fields and as explained in the following table:
Table 63. IPSec VPN Wizard default values for a client-to-gateway tunnel
Setting Default Value
IKE policy
Exchange mode Aggressive
ID type FQDN
Local WAN ID utm_local1.com
Remote WAN ID utm_remote1.com
Encryption algorithm 3DES
Authentication algorithm SHA-1
Authentication method Pre-shared Key
Key group DH-Group 2 (1024 bit)
Life time 8 hours
VPN policy
Encryption algorithm 3DES
Authentication algorithm SHA-1
Life time 1 hour
Key group DH-Group 2 (1024 bit)
NetBIOS Disabled
Table 64. IPSec VPN Wizard settings for a client-to-gateway tunnel
Setting Description
About VPN Wizard
This VPN tunnel will connect
to the following peers
Select the VPN Client radio button. The default remote FQDN
(utm_remote.com) and the default local FQDN (utm_local.com) display in the
End Point Information section of the screen.