ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
October 2012
• Added Appendix C, 3G/4G Dongles for the UTM9S and
• Added many more default values to Appendix H, Default
Settings and Technical Specifications.
202-10780-02 2.0 May 2012 • Updated the main navigation menus and configuration
menus for many figures in the manual to show consistency
in the presentation of the web management interface
• Updated the outbound rules overview (see Table 27) and
inbound rules overview (Table 28).
• Updated Features That Reduce Traffic and Features That
Increase Traffic.
202-10780-02 1.0 April 2012 • Added new features for all UTM models:
- Application control (see Configure Application Control)
- Traffic metering for LAN usage (see Create Traffic
Meter Profiles)
- The use of custom user groups in firewall rules (see
Overview of Rules to Block or Allow Specific Kinds of
Traffic and VLAN Rules)
Application control and traffic metering also affect the way
that firewall rules are implemented (see Overview of Rules
to Block or Allow Specific Kinds of Traffic)
• Added support of the following features for all UTM models
(these features were previously supported on the UTM9S
- ReadyNAS integration, quarantine options, and
quarantine logs (see Connect to a ReadyNAS and
Configure Quarantine Settings, Query and Manage the
Quarantine Logs, and Appendix E, ReadyNAS
- PPTP server (see Configure the PPTP Server)
- L2TP server (see Configure the L2TP Server)
• Revised the following existing features:
- Firewall scheduling (see Set a Schedule to Block or
Allow Specific Traffic and Overview of Rules to Block or
Allow Specific Kinds of Traffic)
- IPS (see Enable and Configure the Intrusion
Prevention System)
- System status, dashboard, and report functions (see
Chapter 11, Monitor System Access and Performance)
- Diagnostics (see Use Diagnostics Utilities)
• Reorganized the web management interface (GUI) menus
(for example, the Email Notification configuration menu
link has been moved to the Monitoring main menu; the
Custom Groups configuration menu link has been moved
to the Users main menu)