Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 5 -- 26Electrical System
Hi/Low Speed and Headlight (Groundsmaster 4010--D) Switches
The Hi/Low speed and headlight switches (Ground-
smaster 4010--D) are identical, two (2) position rocker
switches that are located on the control console.
The Hi/Low speed switch(Fig.27) is used asan input for
the TEC--5002 controller to set the machine traction
speed for Hi speed (2WD) or Low speed (4WD).
The Groundsmaster 4010--D headlight switch allows
the headlights to be turned on and off.
NOTE: Before disconnecting the Hi/Low speed switch
for testing, the switch and its circuit wiring should be
tested as a TEC--5002 input with the Diagnostic Display
(see Diagnostic Display in the Troubleshooting section
of this chapter).If theDiagnostic Displayverifies that the
Hi/Low speed switch and circuit wiring are functioning
correctly, no further switch testing is necessary. If, how-
ever, the Display determines that the Hi/Low speed
switch and circuit wiring are not functioning correctly,
proceed with test.
1. Make sure ignition switch is OFF. Remove key from
ignition switch.
2. Disassemble console arm to gain access to switch
that is to be tested (seeConsole Arm Disassembly inthe
Service and Repairs section of C hapter 7 -- Chassis).
3. Disconnect harness electrical connector from the
4. With the use of a multimeter (ohms setting), the
switch functions may be tested to determine whether
continuity exists between the various terminals for each
switch position. The switch terminals are marked as
shown in Figure 28. The circuitry of the switch is shown
in the chart below. Verify continuity between switch ter-
minals. Replace switch if testing identifies a faulty
ON 2+3 5+6
OFF 2+1 5+4
5. If switch tests correctly and circuit problem still ex-
ists, check wire harness (see Electrical Schematics and
Wire Harness Drawings in Chapter 10 -- Foldout Draw-
6. After testing is completed, connect wire harness
connector to the switch.
7. Assemble console arm (see Console Arm Assembly
in the Service and Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- Chas-
1. Console arm 2. Hi/Low speed switch
Figure 27
Figure 28
NOTE: Switch terminals 1, 4, 5 and 6 are not used on
Groundsmaster 4000--D and 4010 --D machines.