4. Slide the Brace(29) ontothethreadedboltprotrud-
ing fromthe TowerFrame(10).Threada 3/8"
N/lock Nut (6) ontothethreaded bolt.Donotfight-
enthe Nylock Nutyet.
Placeyour foot on the extensionand sl_gh_raise
the front oftheTower Frame (10). Align the lower "
end of the Brace (29) with the indicated 3/8" x
2 1/2" Co,age Bolt(1). Lowerthe Tower Frame so
the Brace slidesonto the Carriage Bolt. Thread a
3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Lack'washer(3) onto the
Carrloge Bolt. Do not tighten the Nut yet.
5. With the helpof a secondperson,llftthe Upright(9)
andlowerif ontothetwo indicated 3/8" x 2 I/2"
CarriageBolts(1) in theRearBose(8).Threada
3/8" Nut (2) ancl3/8" Lockwasher(3)ontoeach
CarriageBolt.Do notlighten the Nutsyet.
Attach the FrontBose(7) to the Upright(9)withtwo
3/8" x 3/4" Bolts(31).
_J.tighten the 3/8" Nylock Nut (6) attached in assem-
bly step 4, and the seven 3/8" Nuts (2) a,ached in
assembly steps 3 through 5.
s il I.I
• 6. Attach the Foot PIo_ (102) to the Upright (9) with
two 3/8" x 3/4" Bolts (31) and 3/8" Nylock Nuts
With the help of a secondperson, liftthe FrontBose
(7). Peel the backing off three RubberPads(48).
Presstwo onto the undersideof the FrontBose in the
indiealed locations,and one onto the undersideof
the Upright (9). Lower the FrontBose.
Presstwo RubberPods(48) ontotheRearBose(8)
in the somemanner.
31___6 _ 48