The training computer does not find or it takes
long time to find the satellite signals
Something in your surroundings may be blocking
GPS satellite signal reception (e.g. underpasses,
tall buildings, terrain or forested areas). Go
outdoors and away from tall buildings and trees. In
good conditions, acquiring satellite signals for the
first time typically takes 30-60 seconds. Note that
the GPS reception does not work indoors.
The speed or distance readings are incorrect or
Something in your surroundings may be blocking
GPS satellite signal reception (e.g. underpasses,
tall buildings, terrain or forested areas). If the
training computer cannot locate the satellite
signals, it will not be able to calculate its location.
Distance is measured between the last location
before the shadow area and the first location after
the shadow area in a straight line.
What is the measurement accuracy of Polar RC3
Polar RC3 GPS training computer measurement
accuracy is +/- 2% for distance and +/- 2km/h for
speed. When moving at low speeds (below 3km/h)
accuracy of this level can sometimes cause
relatively big errors. However, with higher speeds
the measurement is more accurate.
In order to improve the accuracy of the position
calculation, Polar RC3 GPS utilizes the Wide Area
Augmentation System (WAAS). WAAS is an
extremely accurate navigation system in North
America. It is widely used e.g. in aviation to
enable precision approaches for airplanes. WAAS
Wide-area Reference Stations, which are located
on the earth, monitor and collect information on
the GPS signals and send correction messages to
the two Wide-area Master Stations. These two
master stations then send the message forward to
geostationary satellites, which in turn send the
correction signals to WAAS-enabled GPS receivers,
like Polar RC3 GPS.
Low battery is displayed This notification is displayed when the training
computer has enough charge for one hour of
training with the GPS function on. It is
recommended to charge the training computer
before starting a new training session. For more
information, see Training Computer Battery
(page 9).
Low battery, GPS switched off is displayed The training computer charge is too low for
continuing the recording of the training session
with the GPS function on. The training computer
sounds and backlight are automatically
deactivated and the training computer switches
the GPS function off. You can still use Available
Accessories (page 6) and carry out the training
session. A new training recording cannot be
started before charging the training computer. For
more information, see Training Computer Battery
(page 9).
56 Important Information